President Trump Signs 32 Exec. Orders in First 100 Days
President Trump Signs 32 Exec. Orders in First 100 Days
April 29, 2017
President Trump signed 11 more Executive Orders than former President Obama during the same time frame and 19 more than signed by former President George W. Bush.
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Republicans Change Senate Rules to Assure Their Nominee’s Confirmation
Republicans Change Senate Rules to Assure Their Nominee’s Confirmation
April 7, 2017
Senate Republicans resorted to the “nuclear option” to break a Democrat filibuster and pave the way for Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
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“Trumpcare” Passed the House Without a Single Democrat Vote
“Trumpcare” Passed the House Without a Single Democrat Vote
April 4, 2017
When House Republicans passed the AHCA, All 193 Democrats and 20 moderate Republicans voted against it. 23 million Americans will lose coverage according to the CBO.
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The House Passes “Obamacare” Without a Single Republican Vote
The House Passes “Obamacare” Without a Single Republican Vote
March 23, 2010
The Senate passed the bill in a strict party line vote. The House then passed the ACA with a 219–212 vote. The next day, Republicans introduced legislation to repeal it.
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Turning a movement into a Political Powerhouse
These are unsettling times. Yet the organic anti-Trump grassroots movement is an inspiration. Town Hall disruptions. Millions of women (and men!) marching. Hundreds of thousands of us are Indivisible and Swinging Left. Millions of Daily Actions: Postcards to Congressmen. Calls to Senators. Protests at politicians’ homes and offices. We are already fighting back with a unified message that we are better than Donald Trump’s hateful vision for our country.
Now it’s time to take it to the next level to take our country back.
The reality is that many of us are clustered in already safely Democratic areas: Seattle, Denver, San Francisco, Madison, Boston, Austin, New York. Our representatives are already on our side. So our challenge is how to mobilize our grassroots power in Blue areas of resistance to fight the Trump Agenda where our collective muscle can truly make a difference: winning swing states and districts.